
questions design

Some people classify as Dichotomous Questions, Questions Based on Level of Measurement and Filter or Contingency Questions (William & Trochim, 2006)
Dichotomous Questions
Question has two possible responses
Questions Based on Level of   Measurement
Measure occupation using a nominal question
Contingency Questions
Ask the respondent one question in order to determine

For designing a questionnaire, there are some general principles that appeared from William & Trochim (2006) and Loughborough University which made a good summarization:
Ÿ   Put the most important items in first half of questionnaire.
Ÿ   Do not start with awkward or embarrassing questions
Ÿ   Start with easy and non threatening questions.
Ÿ   Go from the general to the particular.
Ÿ   Go from factual to abstract questions.
Ÿ   Leave demographic and personal questions until last.

But in my opinion, the most useful principle is from Oppenheim (1992):
By running backwards through the survey stages we can try to ensure logic-tightness, so that nothing is left out and we shall have measured everything that needs to be measured. Thus, consider the result that we expected, than design the question. This is a efficient and a good way to design questionnaire.

 OPPENHEIM, A.N., 1992. Questionnaire Design, Interviewing and Attitude Measurement. London: Continuum.

LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY, Questionnaire Design [online]. Loughborough University. Available at:

JEAN, M., 1986. Survey Questions: Handcrafting the Standardized Questionnaire, Series: Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences, Volume 63, pp. 12.

WILLIAM, M.K. & TROCHIM, 2006. Types of Questions [online]. William, M.K. & Trochim. Available at:

