
question analysis 2

Third question: choose left or right side words to match what you feel by looking at the picture.

Basically, number 1 and number 2 are important in this question, the most important is number 1, choose warm and cool. And the remaining questions are helping me to understand how they answer number 1. For example: a female participant’s answer are cool, calm, N, pleasing, harmonious in group blue. She first choose “cool” rather than “warm”, and she choose “calm” after, which is blue caused. Number 3-5 are not important answer as number 1-2. They are testing do participants feel comfortable. (so, it is not calculated in the result.) Another example: a male participant’s answer is warm, calm, uneasy, pleasing, and harmonious also in group blue. Well, he choose warm in blue, if without seeing number 2 answer, the blue colour’s influence is not significantly. But if look at the answer for number 2 is “calm” that means he has the right feeling that I was expected. It is interesting to see, the answer of number 2 and 3 are not consistent, but after a short interview, it is reasonable to the answer. He mentioned, his favorite colour is blue, even addicted to it. He feels comfortable in blue, and blue give him energy and excitement. Depends on his experience, his subconscious make him choose the answer.(有关潜意识和条件反射的资料) Two similar examples but in orange group: one male and a female participant both choose cool, and the same female choose calm. In the short interview they declined that it is related to personal experiences. When they see the picture they associate the ocean and water give them cool feelings even the background colour is a warm colour, the image effects is stronger than colour effects to them. They also mentioned the question is to far away from the picture, they answered question by image, so the picture already give they a first image, they answer the question without feels environment. After showed blue test to these two participants, they admitted that blue test obvious much cooler than orange test.
that blue test obvious much cooler than orange test.

From the test:   total: 6  blue: 3   orange:3
 Because of after interviews, all the participants who do not have expect answers declined with good reasons, the result can be count as a positive result. Meanwhile, the problems have appeared.

