
make changes to test 1

From the first test, the second test has been created as well.
The difference between first test and second test is the second one makes participants see both orange corridor and blue corridor. But still separate into two group. One group experience orange corridor then see blue corridor as a comparing. The other one is opposite, experience blue corridor then orange. The reason of add contrast model is the results will be more valid then first test. Because of comparing make results more objective, for example, the participants may not understand or have strong feeling of the questions without compare groups. In this situation, the results are not objective, valid. So, the second test results have more value. Otherwise, the second question of the this test is the most important.
After the two comparing group, participants were asked experience a long corridor with 6 single corridors link together by a narrow door, and they are different room colours with different number of people.
From all the comparing, the second test will be better and more objective than first test.

 After all the changes, I also made a “start room” to teach participants how to use keyboard walking in the test models. This is make sure participants will focus on questions not how to play models.

