
description board text (final correct)

Description board
This is a corridor that utilises colour lights to create a vibrant environment with the purpose of generating an emotional response amongst those occupying the space. The whole corridor is separated into two complementary colours from the colour wheel, orange and blue. Orange is associated with being a vivid colour with energy like the sun, whereas blue creates a generally cool and calm effect. Being opposite colours, it is expected that the paired colour lighting scheme will generate two different emotional effects within the participant with in the designed environment.

Why I chose colour and light to be part of my project?
Since the sun has shined its light on the earth and there have been visual observers, colour has been present. The sensation of colour comes from the human visual system, which is the biological and psychological process that all humans innately use to perceive colour and light. Numerous studies have been conducted to understand the human visual system and I have chosen to apply the concepts to my project. Furthermore, there are hundreds of ways to combine colours and lights, as found by many who have studied colour and their effects. The broad application of different colours with the purpose of generating a desired effect is particularly useful in interactive design, especially if the colour scheme is used appropriately. One of the main reasons for choosing colour and light effects is because of my own interests and my future career, which I hope will be in the interior design field. Colour and light are two important elements applied in interior design. By studying colour and modern lighting, my ability to create an interactive environment effectively can enhance room designs and user interface.

As I introduce my project, Iwant to explain“colour effects”.Instead of explaining purely by words, I offer a vivid example. On the left, there are several different colour papers with the same pattern. Do you feel the same about each one? Depending on your own experience and physiological effects, I am guessing you have different feelings when you see the different colour papers.In addition to emotional responses, there are also physical sensations that often occur as a reaction to colour. One typical physical response to colour is an increase or decrease in heart rate. While interacting with my corridor, please try to relax and focus on all senses.My project is based on colour psychology using colour and light to influence emotion.

