What is your subject
of study?
My subject of study is the use of Lighting and
colour to affect emotions within interactive environments and installations.
This will take in consideration the various aspects of emotional design as
applied to interaction design. Specifically it will consider how lighting and
colour effects can be used to create interactive environments that affect the
participant’s emotional state.
What is your research
How can modern lighting and colour be utilized to
affect an emotional response within an interactive environment? Additionally, is
it has effect on people’s behaviour.
Research aim(s):
are the overall aims of the project?
In design, we see lights and colour all around our
surroundings without ever thinking of the true effects they have on us. Thepurpose
of my research has two parts. First is to find what emotions lighting and
colour create and how they are used to impact emotions. Next, is how to design
an interactive environment using lighting and colour to have an emotional
effect on people. And also study if it can cause any behaviour influence.
are the specific project objectives?
these are separate to what you personally need to learn in terms of skills and
knowledge, see learning objectives below.
1. Lighting
a. Researchlighting,
see variety of lightsand light materials such asLED lighting, OLED lighting and
light pipe, optical fibbers, how they set up.
b. Research
light art works and other uses of lighting within installations and interactive
c. Research
the specific emotional effects of lighting.
2. Colour
a. Research
colour therapy.
b. Research
colour influence people’s mood.
c. Research
artwork about colour used in different environments.
3. Other
research related to my subject
a. Colour
and light
b. Gaudi
and his work
c. Develop
a series of interactive products and/or environments that embed the above
research within practice
What is the wider context of your project?
influence of environment on humans, for instance the influence of wood
environment on physiology and psychology of human body by psycho physiological
method.(HAIPENG, Y., YIXING, L. & ZHENBO, L., 2003) has a paragraph
describing the effects of neutral colour and natural environment.
method (FRISTON, K. J. and others, 1997).It gives a clear explanation why
colour can effect emotion in physiology aspect.
S., 2012. Contemporarycolor theory &
use. 2th ed. NY: Delmar
Theory of
colours (Goethe.1840) colour wheel and complementary colour
design and question analysis
lighting used to alter behaviour.
How does the project relate to your previous
previous experience involvesorganizingrooms (space) and considers how to make a
humanization design. By organizing rooms, the use of colour and lighting is
involved whichrelates to humanemotions and environment. Resulting from this
experience grew a strong interest in the use of colours and lighting to create
the perfect design.
How does it relate to relevant current practices,
debates and theory?
For my
project, lighting will is usedto affect an emotional response within an
interactive environment. It relates to current advanced lighting, such as LED
and OLED lights that are usedin light design artworks. For example: The colour
change floatingball in Boston. Pablo Valbuena artwork & Louise Blouin
Foundation Building.Rafael Lozano Hemmeruse
both large and small scales, indoor and outdoor settings and a wide variety of
audiovisualtechnologies. His “third person”, “Subtitled Public”
shows light artwork.There is another artwork from Bruce Nauman,
called “green corridor” which is related colour and light effects mood. These
are current practices that utilize colour and lighting to interact with humans.
In addition, there are two main theories that discuss the relationship between
colour effect and emotion:colour psychology and colour therapy. Also psycho-physiological
method explains why colour has effect to people. Lastly, simple drawing has the
same characteristic as way finding system/visual identity system. According,
three options come to bear in the assessment of symbols-where do we feel safe,
where do I recognize dangers and where do I see aim and possibilities. And I
choose make a questionnaire to be the reflective of participants who experience
the corridor. Loughborough university, Norman, Seymour and others support my questionnaire
Why is the intended research significant? (So
of changes in lighting technology, it allows new creative uses of lighting
effects to develop; therefore emotional designs and opportunities for changes
of behaviour are also created. This will enable the development of new
experiences and potentially new products that will change many industries. One
industry in particular is interior design, which incorporatescolour and
lighting as important elements. It can be seen in lots of design works and
designers nowadays pay more attention to colour because of its effects on mood.Bruce
Norman, a famous artist who used colour and lighting to design an artwork
called Green Light Corridor. It uses lighting and green colour to create an atmosphere
of a disorientating experience.And there are other designers and artists using
light and colour to create new experiences.
How does this project relate to your plans for
the future?
In my
future I wish to have an occupation in interior design. As colours and lights
can be seen everywhere in an indoor space, it isvaluable for me to create aninteractive
environment by using colour and light.
Outline the research, creative and intellectual
methods you will employ to develop your research project.
project research will be carried out by the following methodology:
First, research
colour and light effects on emotion, and also research psychological effects on
both. Second, learn how to design a questionnaire and question analysis. Third,
see other artworks and designs related to my researchand learn from them. Lastly,
apply these methods to design a corridor that will influence emotional
feelings. Fourth, learn to make 3D models, 3D video, and film editing for
interview video.
Identify ethical considerations where
project does not have manyethical considerationsbecause my project does not
involvevideo or pictures of people. If there are any ethical considerations, it
will be from a brief survey in whichI may randomly choose a few people and ask
them what they feel about the corridor.
Learning objectives
Link to your personal skills audit and
development plan; identify the skills that you will develop and knowledge that
you need to acquire. Match the objectives against the MA programme learning
1. Photoshop
2. Sketchup
3. Unity
4. Final
(practical and/or written work)
Describe your intended body of work, including
your reflective journal and the summative critical review
I would
like to create an interactive environment with colour and light effect emotion
in a building’s corridor.
Specify the audience and communication context
for your project.
audience will be anyone who will pass by the specificcorridor that I designed.
Describe how you intend to evaluate/ test project
outcomes with your audience.
intend for my audience to enjoy “playing” with my creation by interacting with
the environment that has been created. When they pass the area that I designed
I hope they will experience something they have never felt before, generating
positive feelings and. interesting thoughts. After they have emotional feeling
then I expect they will have some behaviour reflections.
List what resources are required within or
outside of the University
complete this research project, I will mainly utilize the library resources and
some equipment, film lights colour gels and spotlights. A crucial resource
needed authoritative permission to use some of the school’s locations.
Identify other organisations or individuals
involved that you will rely upon and describe what role they will have
supervisor, David Downes, to assist me with gaining permission from the school
to use a corridor and to teach me how to utilize the lighting system. In
addition, I need to use creative designers who have used colour and lighting in
their artworks to gain inspiration.Finally, I need some classmates to help
organize and set up the light and colour display.
Cite material using the Harvard System referenced
in the previous sections.
FRISTON, K. J. and others, 1997.Psychophysiological and Modulatory Interactions in Neuroimaging
[online].Neuroimage 6, Available at: http://ac.els-cdn.com/S1053811997902913/1-s2.0-S1053811997902913-main.pdf?_tid=d066ec82-2c6c-11e2-9eea-00000aab0f02&acdnat=1352685843_0421c9b302fb53d372e6b05570fcdabf
BLEICHER, S., 2012. Contemporary color theory & use. 2th ed. NY: Delmar
Brown, B., 2002 Cinematography: Imagemaking
for cinematographyers, directors and videographers. Oxford, UK: Elsevier
David, S., 2011. Color Influence Mood [online].
Psych Digest. Available at: http://psychdigest.com/color-influence-mood/
[Accessed 4 Feb 2011]
ERWIN, K. B. & DIETER, M., 2009.Orientation & Identity. New York:
George, L. Art and the Semiotics of images:
three questions about visual meaning Dillon university of Washington July 1999.
Lorna Catherine Collins, Creating Views, Interaction
and Experience 2011.
Pablo Valbuena artwork & Louise Blouin
Foundation Building, artwork. Available at http://dariorodighiero.com/category/lighting/
The colour change floatingball, artwork. Available
at http://www.glow.co.uk/news/light-art-goes-fully-interactive/
Tonya, L., The personality of color: Secondary,
Tertiary & Neutral Colors [online] About.com.
Goethe, J. W. V., 1840. Theory of colours. London: John murray,
OPPENHEIM, A.N., 1992. Questionnaire Design, Interviewing and Attitude
Measurement. London: Continuum.
UNIVERSITY, Questionnaire
Design [online]. Loughborough
University. Available at:
JEAN, M., 1986. Survey Questions:
Handcrafting the Standardized Questionnaire, Series: Quantitative Applications in the
Social Sciences, Volume 63, pp. 12.
M.K. & TROCHIM, 2006. Types
of Questions [online].
William, M.K. & Trochim. Available at:
Cite essential background or contextual material
using the Harvard System of referencing
ERWIN, K. B. & DIETER, M., 2009.Orientation & Identity. New York:
FRISTON, K. J. and others, 1997.Psychophysiological and Modulatory Interactions in Neuroimaging
[online].Neuroimage 6, Available at: http://ac.els-cdn.com/S1053811997902913/1-s2.0-S1053811997902913-main.pdf?_tid=d066ec82-2c6c-11e2-9eea-00000aab0f02&acdnat=1352685843_0421c9b302fb53d372e6b05570fcdabf
HAIPENG, Y., YIXING, L. & ZHENBO, L., 2003. The influence of wood environment on
physiology and psychology of human body by psycho physiological method
[online].Journal of Northeast Forestry University. Vol.31 No.6. Available at: http://www.cqvip.com/Read/Read.aspx?id=8764172
BLEICHER, S., 2012. Contemporarycolor theory & use. 2th ed. NY: Delmar