
story board for corridor

This is the first story board i drew.

Finally, i decided use animal shape only in no one comes. annimal run on the wall, some times they run out of the wall, it seems like the whole corridor is a forest. At this moment the colour on the wall will be neutral yellow or neutral green, but not bright.

for me, i prefer neutral yellow, although green make people relate forest. Becouse the green from lights are always not the certain colour i want. yellow may better. but all these are depend on practice.

when people come, the animals are become the pattren on the floor. like tetris game and fish game, people can play with them.  fish game need at least 2 people, so, when just one people in the corridor it will plays only tetris game. 2 and more than 2 people will plays both tetris game and fish game.

But, the first story board lack of details, so drew the second story board to show some details of transfer pattren to pattren.

After second drew, it is clearly, and I also change fish game into snake game. so both tetris and snake game match the number of people, they are both suit for 1 and more than 1 people.

I may add some "attact" pattren also, such as, snake pattern come out from wall to floor scare people.

