the character of yellow is suit for being the pre-colour of the corridor. Because
yellows and yellow-green these colors are radiant and cozy (Tonya, L). Because warm colors seem to
advance, they make small rooms appear smaller and large rooms more intimate.
And yellow is relatively long and essentially stimulating. In this case the
stimulus is emotional, therefore yellow is the strongest colour,
psychologically. The right yellow will lift our spirits and our self-esteem; it
is the colour of confidence and optimism. Too much of it, or the wrong tone in
relation to the other tones in a colour scheme, can cause self-esteem to
plummet, giving rise to fear and anxiety. (Colour affects) It is also like Goethe
(1809) said, yellow has softly exciting character. But, if we use it correct,
then we can get the expect affects. In “Colour emotion in full-scale rooms”
said from experiments, they found that yellow and pink caused pleasure and even
more joy. But not pure yellow are neutral. Like 11said in blog: “Used on home
interiors, pale shades of yellow are best when painting walls.” This is the
reason that I choose yellow to be the empty corridor background. I expect base
on colour affects of yellow, people will not have too strong feeling such as
warm or cold. They are just normal to cross the corridor but have some
attention. Yellow is suit to be the in this environment.
L., The personality of color: How Room Color Affects Mood [online]. Available at:
Affects, Psychological Properties Of
Colours [online]. London: Colour Affects. Available at:
H., 2004.Colour emotion in full-scale rooms. AIC 2004Color and Paints: Interim meeting of the international color
association Porto Alegre, Brazil. November 3-5, pp.223-226.
2011. Psychological Effects of Colors. 11 Eleven [online blog]. 29 January. Available at: