
Environment design 3 (interior design)

Interior design is a part of environment design. For this filed area International Interior Design Award (IDA) is the most popular and famous activity in the world.This is an introduction of IDA http://youtu.be/b6q458qQWZs

From productions we can learn what designer did, what is their goal, why they designed like this. Especially learn from award-winning productions. There are several that I think good design: http://idesignawards.com/winners/zoom2.php?eid=9-6121-13&uid=&count=1&cat=Interior%20Design

I still don’t understand some of them as a expert. But they are all beautiful, from light, from colour, from space. In my opinion, a good interior design needs to be good on all function, space design and visual effect.


Environmental design2

For the corridor idea, I already did some research on psychology. And I also think environmental design is as important as psychology. For this reason, I looked former works of environmental designer. From amount of artworks, I choose some I like to post them on.

Such as the cloudy lamp. http://www.jjb-environmentaldesign.nl/en/projects.items&id=49

This is a library, but the design is very attractive to me. http://www.bibliothequedesign.com/projects/exhibition-and-environment/m/


Environment design

Environmental design is the process of addressing surrounding environmental pareameters when devising lpans, progans, polpcies, buildings or products. Classical prudent design may have always considered environmental factors. However, the environment movement beginning in the 1940s has made the concept more explicit. Environmental design can also refer to the applied arts and sciences dealing with creating the human-designed environment. These fields include architecture, geography, urban planning, landscape architecture and interior design. Environment design can also encompass interdisciplinary areas such as historical preservation and lighting design.