
MA Learning Agreement for PGD

What is your subject of study?
My subject of study is use of Lighting combined with colour to affect emotions within interactive environments and installations. This will consider the various aspects of emotional design as applied to interaction design. Specifically it will consider how lighting and colour effects can be used to create interactive environments that affect the participant’s emotional state. As a contrast or opposite of the use of colour I will investigate or explore simple drawings or pattern.

What is your research question?
How can modern lighting and colour be utilized to affect an emotion response with in an interactive environment. And explore how can simple lighting effects and drawings patterns attract and keep people attention.

Research aim(s):
What are the overall aims of the project?
In design, we see lights and colour all around our surroundings without ever thinking of the true effects they have on us. The purpose of my research has two parts. First is to find what emotions lighting and colour create by providing examples and how they are used to impact emotions and how to design an interactive environment with lighting combined colour have emotional effects on people. The second, investigate attract and keep people attention by using drawing patterns.

Research objectives(s):
What are the specific project objectives?
Note: these are separate to what you personally need to learn in terms of skills and knowledge, see learning objectives below.
1.    Lighting research
a.   Research lighting, see variety of light and light materials such as LED lighting, OLED lighting and light pipe, optical fibbers, how they set up.
b.   Research light art works and other uses of lighting within installations and interactive environments
c.   Research the specific emotion effects of lighting
2.   Colour research
a.   Research colour therapy
b.   Research colour influence people’s mood
c.   Research artwork about colour used in different environments
3.   Other research relate to my subject
a.   Research semiotics and simple pattern lead thinking logic
b.   Research examples of semiotics keep attention
c.   Research in depth emotional design as part of interaction design.
d.   Develop a series of interactive products and/or environments that embed the above research within practice

·        What is the wider context of your project?
The influence of environment on human persons, for instance the influence of wood environment on physiology and psychology of human body by psycho physiological method. (HAIPENG, Y., YIXING, L. & ZHENBO, L., 2003 ) has a paragraph write about the effects of neutral colour and natural environment.
psycho physiological method (FRISTON, K. J. and others, 1997). It give a clear explanation why colour can effect emotion in physiology aspect.  
BLEICHER, S., 2012. contemporary color theory & use. 2th ed. NY: Delmar
Also, way finding system gives examples of simple pattern attract attention.
Emotional/mood lighting used to alter behaviour
·        How does the project relate to your previous experience/practice?
My previous experience is about organizing rooms (space) and consider about how to make a humanization design. That relates emotions, environment, and lighting, colour always appear in environment which relates with my current project.
·        How does it relate to relevant current practices, debates and theory?
For my project, lighting will be used to affect an emotion response with in an interactive environment. It relates to present advanced lights, such as LED and OLED light, and also light design artworks like: color change floating ball http://www.glow.co.uk/news/light-art-goes-fully-interactive/. Pablo Valbuena artwork & Louise Blouin Foundation Building http://dariorodighiero.com/category/lighting/  They are current practices by using lighting. In addition, there are two main theories about colour effect emotion, colour psychology and colour therapy. Also psycho physiological method explains why colour has effect to people.
·        Why is the intended research significant? (So what?)
Because of changes in lighting technology it allows new uses of lighting effects, therefore emotional design and opportunities for changes of behaviour. This will enable the development of new experiences and potentially products. References?
·        How does this project relate to your plans for the future?
I tend to do interior design in the future, as colours and lights can be seen everywhere in a indoor space, so create a interactive environment by using colour and light is valuable for me.

·        Outline the research, creative and intellectual methods you will employ to develop your research project.
The influence of colour to people’s mood
Psycho physiological method
Emotional lighting used to alter behaviour
Emotion design
Orientation and identity
LED lighting and OLED lighting
Light environment

·        Identify ethical considerations where appropriate.
My project does not apply ethical considerations. Because in my project, search light environment effects and emotion of people, it may include emotion such as happiness, exciting, melancholy etc. but not related to ethic.

Learning objectives
·        Link to your personal skills audit and development plan; identify the skills that you will develop and knowledge that you need to acquire. Match the objectives against the MA programme learning outcomes.
1.   Photoshop
2.   Flash
3.   How to control lights by use computer and understand the system

Submissions (practical and/or written work)
·        Describe your intended body of work, including your reflective journal and the summative critical review
Hard to organize, lack of writing work but some of the writing can express the aim of the research

·        Specify the audience and communication context for your project.
Could be anyone, kids, students workers, including all people pass by the particular room

·        Describe how you intend to evaluate/ test project outcomes with your audience.
I intend my audience enjoy playing with my creation, I hope they feel it is interesting and never have this experience before

Resource implications
·        List what resources are required within or outside of the University
interaction design》《semiotic-sociology》《orientation and identity》《emotional design》《the influence of wood environment on physiology and psychology of human body by psycho physiological method》《the design of everyday things

·        Identify other organisations or individuals involved that you will rely upon and describe what role they will have
Some artists and the artwork of lighting, lectures about other subjects, such as fashion design, exhibitions, they expand my horizon give me direction of ideas I should go to.
Cite material using the Harvard System referenced in the previous sections.
BLEICHER, S., 2012. contemporary color theory & use. 2th ed. NY: Delmar
Cite essential background or contextual material using the Harvard System of referencing
ERWIN, K. B. & DIETER, M., 2009.Orientation & Identity. New York: SpringerWienNewYork
FRISTON, K. J. and others, 1997.Psychophysiological and Modulatory Interactions in Neuroimaging [online]. Neuroimage 6, Available at: http://ac.els-cdn.com/S1053811997902913/1-s2.0-S1053811997902913-main.pdf?_tid=d066ec82-2c6c-11e2-9eea-00000aab0f02&acdnat=1352685843_0421c9b302fb53d372e6b05570fcdabf
HAIPENG, Y., YIXING, L. & ZHENBO, L., 2003. The influence of wood environment on physiology and psychology of human body by psycho physiological method [online].Journal of Northeast Forestry University. Vol.31 No.6. Available at: http://www.cqvip.com/Read/Read.aspx?id=8764172
BLEICHER, S., 2012. contemporary color theory & use. 2th ed. NY: Delmar

·        Outline your plan of action; give dates of developmental milestones linked to the PGC / PGD / MA stages; include personal tutorials and your vacations.
·        Identify a programme of events in which you intend to participate: lectures, exhibitions, tutorials, seminars, workshops, research visits, interviews, searches, on-line activities, etc.

For my timetable, I have two separated ones. The first one is previous weeks (week15-week 24 of NTUweek which equal to week 15 of MAweek), and the other one is from now till the end of week31 of Maweek (second phase).

This is NTU week15-24 (MA week 6-15)

(MA week)
Research for mirror experiment, include artworks of mirror and camera
1. Solve how does mirror and camera link to colour effects to mood and light environment
2. First phase ends and online feedback & feedback tutorials
1.   Second phase starts
2.   Lecture (28/01)
3.   Tutorial (29/01)
4.   Read articles relate my project and recent tutorial
1.    Workshop & lecture (04/02)
2.    Tutorial (05/02)
3.    Workshop with Sylvia (08/02)
4.    Read articles relate my project and recent tutorial
1.   Workshop with David & lecture(11/02)
2.   Workshop with Sylvia (15/02)
3.   Learn computer program
4.   Read articles relate my project and recent tutorial
1.   Workshop with David & lecture (18/02)
2.   Tutorial
3.   Learn computer program
4.   Read articles relate my project and recent tutorial
1.   Workshop with Frank (26/02)
2.   Learn computer program
Dissemination week 2
1.   Lecture (04/03)
2.   Tutorial
3.   Workshop with Sylvia(08/03)
4.   Learn computer program
5.   Read articles relate my project and recent tutorial
1.   Workshop with David & lecture (11/03)
2.   Tutorial
3.   Workshop with Sylvia(15/03)
4.   Do some experiments see which way can be achieve
1.   Workshop with David & lecture (18/03)
2.   Tutorial
3.   Do some material research relate to my porject
Easter break
Easter break
UG term 3 starts
1.   Lecture (08/04)
2.   Tutorial
1.   Lecture (15/04)
2.   Tutorial
3.   Read articles relate my project and recent tutorial
1.   Tutorial
2.   Read articles or research relate my project and recent tutorial
Second phase assement&review of progress


emotional state

The definition of emotional state is defined as the state of a person's emotions (especially with regard to pleasure or dejection)(http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/emotional+state)

(Mood effects on person-perception judgments.
Emotional state and the use of stimulus dimensions in judgment.) two journal's titles seem like related the emotional state that i try to find. but it is not for free to read, will check library.
as i see, it is difficult to find a reference fully describe emotional state use for my questions. So i decide research as following way.

calmness, warmth, isolated, energetic, lively......
these are the wrods related to emotional state of my project.
i will research each single word then find a proper way to ask people's feelings.

calmness:  is the mental state of being free from agitation, excitement, or disturbance. It also refers being in a state of serenity, tranquility, or peace. (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/calmness)
So, if ask people: Do you feel any disturbancese in this room?
(if not) or Do you feel peace in this room? (if yes) that means we get a answer of they feel calmness.


about the style of the video

From one and half weeks work, fist I try to draw 2 diffrent types of illustration.

If it is bigger, the white line drawn rabbit looks like it is a hand drawing.

For the black shaded rabbit, when it moves, the whole body follows the movements. It looks like a real animal but only shadow.

For the bottom one, it is created by one line. it moves to create an image but then transforms into a new pattern,  creating a new design from the previous. I try to make the pattern simple, so I omit inside parts like eyes and moustache.(给出于视觉相关的简单和复杂图像效果的证明)I found a video online, it can show the final style that I will try to make.

And during the last week, I have a problem with making the video. To solve the problem, i watched many videos and books teach how to make a cartoon by using Flash. such as:http://www.rjzxw.com/jc-45.html
and http://www.enet.com.cn/eschool/zhuanti/4u2vflash/


reasons of choose yellow during corridor empty

Why I choose yellow during the time nobady come into corridor or nobady come cross yet? This is the reasons made me decide use yellow.

From the character of yellow is suit for being the pre-colour of the corridor. Because yellows and yellow-green these colors are radiant and cozy (Tonya, L). Because warm colors seem to advance, they make small rooms appear smaller and large rooms more intimate. And yellow is relatively long and essentially stimulating. In this case the stimulus is emotional, therefore yellow is the strongest colour, psychologically. The right yellow will lift our spirits and our self-esteem; it is the colour of confidence and optimism. Too much of it, or the wrong tone in relation to the other tones in a colour scheme, can cause self-esteem to plummet, giving rise to fear and anxiety. (Colour affects) It is also like Goethe (1809) said, yellow has softly exciting character. But, if we use it correct, then we can get the expect affects. In “Colour emotion in full-scale rooms” said from experiments, they found that yellow and pink caused pleasure and even more joy. But not pure yellow are neutral. Like 11said in blog: “Used on home interiors, pale shades of yellow are best when painting walls.” This is the reason that I choose yellow to be the empty corridor background. I expect base on colour affects of yellow, people will not have too strong feeling such as warm or cold. They are just normal to cross the corridor but have some attention. Yellow is suit to be the in this environment.

Tonya, L., The personality of color: How Room Color Affects Mood [online]. About.com Available at: http://budgetdecorating.about.com/od/DecoratingColorPattern/a/The-Personality-Of-Color-How-Room-Color-Affects-Mood.htm

Colour Affects, Psychological Properties Of Colours [online]. London: Colour Affects. Available at: http://www.colour-affects.co.uk/psychological-properties-of-colours

Maud, H., 2004.Colour emotion in full-scale rooms. AIC 2004Color and Paints: Interim meeting of the international color association Porto Alegre, Brazil. November 3-5, pp.223-226.

Eleven, 2011. Psychological Effects of Colors. 11 Eleven [online blog]. 29 January. Available at: http://11eleven-life.blogspot.co.uk/2011/01/psychological-effects-of-colors.html


story board for corridor

This is the first story board i drew.

Finally, i decided use animal shape only in no one comes. annimal run on the wall, some times they run out of the wall, it seems like the whole corridor is a forest. At this moment the colour on the wall will be neutral yellow or neutral green, but not bright.

for me, i prefer neutral yellow, although green make people relate forest. Becouse the green from lights are always not the certain colour i want. yellow may better. but all these are depend on practice.

when people come, the animals are become the pattren on the floor. like tetris game and fish game, people can play with them.  fish game need at least 2 people, so, when just one people in the corridor it will plays only tetris game. 2 and more than 2 people will plays both tetris game and fish game.

But, the first story board lack of details, so drew the second story board to show some details of transfer pattren to pattren.

After second drew, it is clearly, and I also change fish game into snake game. so both tetris and snake game match the number of people, they are both suit for 1 and more than 1 people.

I may add some "attact" pattren also, such as, snake pattern come out from wall to floor scare people.


second brain stroming

From the brainstromingI reanalysed information that I had already of my porject.
First, I need to know what I trying to do. I try to create a corridor with change colors which can bring comforts to people. I choose 2 colors orange and blue which are cross in the color wheel. Step 1. I use the similar colour notes paper created a spot color on a big piece of paper, and write down the words that i feel from the colors.

These are fellings that orange brings me

These are fellings that bule brings me

                                                           conclusion of step 1

Then, i reorganized my several ideas from first step, I found those ideas can still be used. and some of them are interesting.

fome those ideas, I choose three of them to be the continuing of corridor project. They are animal shape(foot) print, tetris game, and fish game. And draw a story board to show how they link together, how they worked.


Experiment of mirror

Before Christmas, I did a small mirror experiment.
Basically, I have 1 mirrors, 1 monitor and 1camera. This experiment is mainly for find out what kinds of reflection can mirror have. Through the experiment I get several results, some of them are pretty interesting. 
It is been a while from the experiment, according to my notes, there are the results that I have got. But I will only explain the interesting ones for me. Because the it is too long, some details was forgotten.

1. Re-reflections (many reflections, copy reflection)
2. Seeing back
3. If mirror and camera doesn’t move, but rotate monitor, then it will create another image, like a spatial mismatch.(I like this)
4. Two reflections: according to my notes, if in the mirror is the real image, then the image in camera will be a shadow.
5. It is not interesting when mirror and camera have an included angle.
6. Mirror and camera separate an object into two parts, such as top and bottom. Then the image in camera is the reflection in mirror. For example: the camera is face top part, but the top part still in mirror, although top part is not facing to mirror. That because the monitor in cross to the mirror.
7. When camera is free (camera is free to move) such as camera mirror and monitor are all have included angles, it will create interesting image.
8. Use mirror and camera, but the monitor is only for showing images. For example, mirror is on the floor, object is move on top of mirror, the camera is shoot the reflections or shoot both real object and reflection are all very interesting.


block time

Recently, I have been suffer a "block time". In other words, I had problems with my project. I was a kind of stuck in the middle of my project. my first pattern with light corridor was not accepted. Then, I have been thinking a lot of ideas about patterns that can interactive with people. So my porject description is:
using lights and colours (orange and blue) to create a comfort environment, and using patterns on the wall or on the floor even on the ceiling to attract people, and also have interaction with people.

Then, depends on the purpose above, I made several ideas about how to use patterns post on the wall or floor, even ceilling. Use those patterns to attract people, make people have a communication with the environment.

There are 12 ideas that I had: