
corridor matches pleasure model 1

For what I question myself, I want to give answers in this entrance.

Firstly, how my corridor project match pleasure model.

What of my project match physio-pleasure?
I expect people have pleasure by seeing lights with colours. Because, via many experiences I had and articles I found purity colours have significant visual effect. It is related to my idea, because I use lights with purity colour, such as orange and blue. Commonly, from the experiences, the majority colour range of human vision in daily life is low purity colours. For example, streets, buildings, trees, even sky. So when the high purity things appear, it is glamorous, always attract visual. And it also be proved in a book called Cinematography (Brown, B. 2002). It says, our eyes are not sensitive to all colour spectrum, it involves the physics of light. Another example is the colour of costumes always exaggerated, and many stars in most cases prefer colourful clothing, because the high purity color has come to the fore visual effect.(from a photography website that i can not find anymore.)

Brown, B., 2002 Cinematography: Imagemaking for cinematographyers, directors and videographers. Oxford, UK: Elsevier Inc.

