For catch up with the corridor warm and cold colour change with population. I question myself for wider and deeper meaning.
This is the frame that i question myself. It is include pleasure model and technology as experience framework, and also some science of human affairs question. Such as what is this, how it works, is it useful to people...
So, my questions as follow:
Pleasure model has four parts-- physio-pleasure, socio-pleasure, psycho-pleasure and ideo-pleasure. How my project matches each of them?
What does my project give for physio-pleasure? Is there any communications or what does it do on communications? what makes people have feeling on my project?
And also, how my project matches technology as experience framework which has four parts also: the sensual thread, the emotional thread, the compositional thread and the spatio-temporal thread.
From my opinion, these two model and framework include all the questions of a interaction design works.