
Research about emotional design

For researching emotional design, i have seen a video of Donald A. Norman from Youtube.

 Basically, from the video, my understanding is emotional design not only identify the things but also make things clear and neat. I don't know have I get the point or not...anyway...except this video, I also looked 《houghtful Design》


And 《TED》 which is I like better.


  I get more point from this video. Norman mentioned that emotion is all about acting...

some articles, such as 《Affordances and Design》— Donald A. Norman. Which is available at http://wenku.baidu.com/view/e97004fbaef8941ea76e057d.html and 2 chinese articles.

And also, I am interesting in several books:
《Thoughs》— jon kolko
《The design of everyday things》 — Donald A. Norman. A famous designer named Liu Guanzhong in China, I have read one of his book called 《Science of human affaris》,that Norman's 《The design of everyday things》 influence his theory a lot.


Reflection of last tutorial

From the last tutorial, I was suddenly realized I made a big mistake.I was try to create a atmosphere or a thing with the emotion make people who experience it feel the same as me. I ignored veryone's experience is different, even when they face the same thing, they will act differently. This is the biggest mistake that I made, also some students even designers may made. Thanks David very much for pionting out my problems, it will be a very important or a good advice for me. And it will impact my design as well in the future.

As can be seen from above, i can not find the problem myself, which means i can not think independently. I was trying find how to solve the problem, and during i was thinking, i find if a thing that i am familiar with, i can tell what is the strength and what is the weakness by my self. Maybe it is not all strengthes and weaknesses, but at least i can find one of each. So, i need enlarge my experience. This is the conclusion that i find as so far, it probably too simple and even childish, but i do think seriously. Some simple sentences expain the truth that we try to find even use our whole life, isn't it? The same as when we design something but ignore the feelings from other people who will experience the design, it is a simple truth that everyone knows, but we always forget.


About the Christmas session(an optional group project)

On Tuesday our porfessor give us a session about create a workshop. We should give some ideas about it, and create the workshop in one and a half week.

Finally, we decided to use the telephone buttons + 12 short videos which are match the phone buttons. And the videos will be 12 different people say "Merry Christmas" when they are in different situations.

Compare with the idea that we decided to use and my idea, I prefer my idea, to be honest. The only one reason my mates dosen't like is it will be too much work for them to make videos during a week. They want something simple and interesting. After we starting doing that, i am glad that the final idea wasn't mine, becuase "the telephone" idea is quite suit for a week work. But i won't let my cute idea hiden in somewhere, then i will talk about my idea.

What am I thinking is to create a room like a living room as a family has, not complex but simple. There is a table and a couch, sevral screens on the wall, but no othere things, try to make the atmosphere simple, let people can focus on the screens. A cup, a beer bottle, or a toy on the table......any way, there are a lot things on the table and the couch. When the things be picked up, the screens will show different people in useing these things in different situations. It can be different videos on each screen, or also can be the same video on all the screens, but the same time. Or people pick the things up, sevral sounds will come out which are related to the thing was picking up. For example: when a cup was picking up, we may heared a cup broken, or heared a kid running around us and suddenly broke the cup……make you sitting there like a ghost around u but not scary atmosphere, or make you feel you are in the different space with others, don't know what will happend in next second. this idea come from the word "lonely".

I like to let people explore themselves rather than "telling" people to do something.


books 3

the second book i read is Orientation & Identity which is include symbols to match the former subject about semiotic.

from what i read, i find out symbols can give people infuence about their thinking and attract their attentions.
i wrote down several sentencese to prove it.

  • three options come to bear inthe assessment of symbols_where do we feel safe, where do i recognize danger and where do i see aims and possibilities.
  • signage play adecisive role here: it visualizes the character of the place and its offerings. this makes it possible to experience these things.
  • signage translates the functions and/or the contents of the architecture visually and makes them understandable.